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BRM had a very successful Goodwood Meeting with no shortage of action, drama and heart in the mouth moments!

Mother nature threw everything at us including record temperatures on Saturday and heavy rain on Sunday. Weather aside, BRM and Hall and Hall enjoyed a vintage Goodwood to savour for many years to come.

Despite some concerns in the run up to the meeting, Chassis IV fired up beautifully and immediately took centre stage on the track. With some harder plugs and with the benefit of a functioning Rolls-Royce supercharger this year, Rob was able to demonstrate what the V16 could actually be capable of. Running smoothly through the power bands to 11,000 revs, the V16 not only sounded fearsome,  for the first time since its build, it showed some genuine pace and despite only using 3 laps for a practice run, Rob thrilled the crowds by flying past many of the ERA’s to secure a place on the front of the grid.

With the car very much still in development, Rob noticed a small vibration from the rear of the car and brought the car in to investigate. The tireless Hall and Hall team quickly identified the cause and implemented a solution in readiness for the race the following day. By now, the paddocks were alight with chatter about the V16 and the pace and sound out on the track.


Since 1952 BRM has always been owned by the Owen family and therefore, we are well placed to tell the story authentically and bring it up to date. We have 3 main short term objectives;

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Since 1952 BRM has always been owned by the Owen family and therefore, we are well placed to tell the story authentically and bring it up to date. We have 3 main short term objectives;

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